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Playing golf in the rain can be a daunting proposition, but it doesn’t have to be. With these tips for golfing in the rain, you’ll be able to make your next wet round more enjoyable and of course, safer. From what clothing and gear you should wear when teeing off, to strategies on how best to play while braving the elements – we’ve got everything covered. So grab your umbrella and waterproof glove; let’s get started with our tips for playing golf in the rain.

Table Of Contents:

Preparing for Rainy Weather

When playing golf in the rain, it is important to be prepared with the right clothing and equipment. Waterproof gear such as jackets, pants, and shoes can help keep you dry while playing. Jackets should be lightweight but also waterproof so that they don’t get soggy and weigh you down during your round. Pants should also be lightweight and waterproof so that they don’t restrict your movement when swinging a club, shorts aren’t a bad option – if it’s not too chilly! Most modern golf shoes offer some degree of waterproofing, it is however important that you ensure your pair have good traction on wet surfaces to prevent slipping or sliding during your swing. Additionally, don’t forget to bring a baseball style cap to keep the water from your eyes. A good breathable umbrella is also essential for keeping yourself dry while walking around the course, although it goes without saying, be careful using it when it’s overly windy. Finally, keeping your clubs and grips dry is essential for a successful round of golf in wet conditions. Investing in a quality rain cover for both bag and cart will ensure that all of your clubs stay nice and dry throughout the round, no matter how much it rains.

Good preparation for the rainy weather is key to playing golf in wet conditions. By equipping yourself with the right clothing and gear, you’ll be better prepared to adjust your swing technique and deal with wet conditions on the course when the rain starts to fall.

Golf Bag Must Haves for Wet Weather

  • Waterproof jacket and pants
  • Spare gloves, or one good waterproof glove
  • Baseball type cap – particularly if you wear glasses
  • At least one golf towel, preferably two or more
  • Pencil – pens don’t work well on wet cards
  • Extra score cards – you may have to transfer the scores to a dry one before signing
  • A good golf umbrella – adequate size to cover you and the bag, perforated for wind flow

Playing Golf in the Rain

Playing in the rain can be a challenge for golfers of all levels. Adjusting your set-up routine is important when playing in wet conditions. Grip changes, club selection and strategic shot selection are all key factors to consider when playing in the rain.

Grip changes can help you maintain control over your clubs during wet weather rounds. A firmer grip than usual will facilitate more stability and accuracy with each shot, needless to say a lighter grip on an even slightly damp club could lead to slips and mis-hits due to loss of control.

Strategically aiming your shot should also be a consideration. Depending on the course’s terrain, drainage and moisture level, lower lying areas may be more prone to flooding, this could result in your ball disappearing into the mud or an ad hoc water hazard. Where the option is available, it may be strategically better to aim for higher ground.

Club selection should also take into account any potential hazards that might arise from wet conditions such as puddles or the above mentioned low-lying areas that could land you in trouble with your next shot. These don’t show up in the course book or on your GPS unit, so factor them in manually and adjust your club and distance accordingly.

The effect on spin of damp weather conditions is also worth considering, it goes without saying that balls will stop quicker on wet grass, an additional club (or more!) may be advisable on the longer approach shots. Wedge play will suffer as you struggle to deliver your usual rate of spin due to the moisture on the ball and clubface, be aware not to overshoot the hole due to not obtaining the expected stopping power. Also, give some consideration to using your heavier clubs such as woods and hybrids in place of your long irons, in wet conditions the shot will fly and stop heavier, resulting in a more controlled outcome from the bigger distance clubs. 

Playing golf in the rain requires careful consideration of the adjustments needed to set-up techniques based on changing environmental factors present during wet weather rounds. Understanding how best to prepare yourself before teeing off along with making necessary adjustments mid-round can make it possible for players of any skill level to enjoy a round despite unfavorable weather conditions.

Playing in the rain can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience if you take the necessary precautions to stay safe and adjust your game accordingly. To ensure a successful round of golf, it’s important to know how to handle wet conditions on the course, which is why we’ll look at maintaining safety while playing in the rain below.

Key Takeaway: Playing golf in the rain requires careful shot preparation. Adjustments to technique, such as firmer grip, aiming for higher ground, and opting for your heavier clubs with larger heads are advisable. These changes can help ensure a successful round despite unfavorable weather conditions.

Maintaining Safety in the Rain

Lightning safety should always be taken into consideration when playing golf in the rain. Seek appropriate shelter immediately (indoors if at all possible) if lightning is spotted and wait at least 30 minutes after last sight of lightning before resuming play. It’s important to remember that open areas, tall objects, and metal objects are all potential targets for a lightning strike, so it’s best to avoid them altogether during a storm.

Slippery surfaces and other hazards can also present themselves on the course during wet conditions. Wearing proper footwear with good traction is essential for staying safe while walking on wet grass or navigating around puddles and marshy areas. Additionally, it’s important to take extra care when carrying your clubs or pushing your cart as you may not have as much control or balance due to the slippery state of the ground beneath you.

Finally, keeping an eye out for any debris that has been washed or blown onto the course by rainwater is also recommended; sticks, stones, leaves and other items can cause unexpected trips or slips if left unnoticed. By taking these precautions into account when playing golf in rainy weather you can help ensure both your safety and that of those around you while still enjoying a round of golf despite inclement weather conditions.

FAQs for Playing Golf in the Rain

How can I play golf better in the rain?

To ensure you stay dry and comfortable, wear waterproof clothing and use an umbrella, hat or rain hood for extra protection. You should also consider using a softer ball that won’t be affected by wet conditions as much as a harder one would. Additionally, make sure to adjust your stance so that you are not standing in a spot of accumulated water. Finally, take more time between shots and focus on keeping your grip firm during swings to avoid mis-hits due to wet surfaces. With these tips in mind, playing golf in the rain can still be enjoyable.

Is it worth playing golf in the rain?

Playing golf in the rain can be a rewarding experience, but it is important to consider the conditions before doing so. Rain can affect visibility and make play more difficult, so it is best to assess the situation beforehand. If there are no lightning or thunderstorms present, then playing in light rain may still be enjoyable with appropriate clothing and equipment. However, if conditions are too severe, it is better to wait until they improve for both comfort and safety reasons. Ultimately, whether or not you should play golf in the rain depends on individual preference and your tolerance for bad weather conditions.

How do you hit a golf ball when it’s raining and muddy?

Rain and mud can make getting a good strike on the golf ball difficult, but it is possible. To start, make sure your grip on the club is firm yet relaxed. This will help you maintain control of the club during your swing. Additionally, adjust your stance to account for the wet ground; widening your feet slightly should help with balance and stability. Finally, focus on keeping a steady tempo throughout your swing; don’t rush or try to power through the shot as wet conditions heighten the risk of an errant hit. With practice and patience, you’ll be able to master playing in rainy conditions.


Rainy weather can be a challenge for golfers, but with the right preparation you can still enjoy a round. With these tips for playing golf in the rain, you’ll be better equipped to handle any wet conditions that come your way. Be sure to bring along water-resistant clothing, an umbrella, appropriate shoes and glove, and keep your clubs dry by using waterproof covers. Remember to stay safe while playing golf in the rain by keeping an eye on lightning and thunderstorms. With these tips in mind, you’ll have no problem enjoying a round of golf even when it’s raining.